Annual Charity Bowls 2024
Join us as we celebrate another successful year of fundraising with the annual Elite Control Systems and The North British Distillery Charity Bowls match! Our annual Bowls event at the West Calder Bowling Club was a big hit once again, with a delicious lunch supplied by local Thistles good friendly competition, and lots of fun.
After a hearty lunch, teams were formed, bowls were collected, and the games began. With the weather just holding out, the top two teams faced off in a thrilling final match, with NBD emerging victorious by just one bowl.
In keeping with tradition, the “throw a coin at the Bottle” followed along with a Raffle, raising and with generous addition contributions from both NBD and the Robertson’s Trust meant that over a £1,000 was raised for Alzheimer’s Scotland.
Thank you everyone who participated and helped make this event a success and here’s to another great year of giving back and having a great time together.
Well done everyone who helped and took part.